Prof. Stella C. Chiemeke
Professor of Computer Scince
University of Benin
Benin City, Nigeria
Senior Affiliate Research Fellow (ICITD)
Southern University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
E-mail all inquiries and forward articles for consideration to:
University Auditorium
The University of Benin
Benin City, Nigeria
ISSN: 2488-8699
ISSN - 2488-8699
International Centre for Information Technology & Development
321 TT Allain Building
Southern University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA 70813
The goal of the AIMS Research journal is to contribute to rapid dissemination of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary initiatives through the promotion of synergistic and collaborative research that addresses and provides solutions to global human capital and infrastructural development challenges. Papers are welcomed from all disciplines and must contain substantial content that are topical and relevant from a theoretic/academic and practical/ scientific/artistic/industrial points of view.
For papers to be accepted it MUST meet the following conditions:
Be extended versions of Papers presented at the iSTEAMS or any other Conference must reflect inputs from the conference and be updated versions of the paper(s) that appeared in conference proceedings. The original conference paper must be referenced
New manuscripts that conforms to the instructions given above can also be submitted for consideration.
APA referencing style must be used, article must not be more than 4000 Words, single spaced, 10 points, Times New Roman (Font) and presented in block paragraphs.
Tables, Figures and other diagrams must be clear and properly labeled. Paper submission must be in MS Word format ONLY. PDFs are not acceptable.
Authorsmust check for plagiarism and avoid such. AIMS does not take kindly to unethical academic and research practices.
Where applicable, Authors must notify co-authors whose names appear on their paper.
Simultaneous submission of articles/manuscripts under consideration by the AIMS Research Journal is/are not allowed.
Please e-mail your paper as attachment to aimsjournal@isteams.net
Submissions are open and papers are accepted from all disciplines on rolling asis. Presently, however, there is an open call to publish ORIGINAL ARTICLES (NEW) and extended papers from the Ghana iSTEAMS Cross-border Conference held in March ,2016 at the University of Professional Studies Accra Ghana.
The AIMS Research Journal will publish articles as they are accepted on rolling basis
Call for Papers
Authors in the academia, professionals and practitioners are invited to submit papers in all areas of Science, ICTs, Engineering, Education, Health Sciences (Medicine, Nursing, Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacy), Law, Arts, Management,Business, Agriculture, Geosciences, Policy, Agriculture, Forestry, Religious Studies, Environmental Sciences, Arts & Design, Hospitality Management, Survey & Geo-informatics, Applied Sciences, & the Social Sciences for the iSTEAMS Conference. Papers should contain substantial ideas which have the potential of aiding inventions, growth, development of human capital, industrial process optimization, energy conservation, inter-tertiary innovations, theories, practices, design, modeling and collaborative research.
Authors in the academia, professionals and practitioners are invited to submit papers in all areas of Science, ICTs, Engineering, Education, Health Sciences (Medicine, Nursing, Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacy), Law, Arts, Management,Business, Agriculture, Geosciences, Policy, Agriculture, Forestry, Religious Studies, Environmental Sciences, Arts & Design, Hospitality Management, Survey & Geo-informatics, Applied Sciences, & the Social Sciences for the iSTEAMS Conference. Papers should contain substantial ideas which have the potential of aiding inventions, theories, innovation, practices, design, modeling and for general and specialized use- Papers are also welcome in the following conference sub-themes/domains:
Inter-tertiary Collaborations and its impact on Innovation and Development
Synergy Between Tertiary Education & Other levels of Education
Multidisciplinary Research and its role in Combating Terrorism and Insurgencies
Collaborative Research Paradigm for Addressing Global Health Issues.
Cross – religious Tolerance & Transformational Leadership
Waste To wealth Issues and the Green Environment
The Conference proceeding will be published in print. Selected papers from the proceedings will be included in a Special Issue of affiliated journals. Papers are also solicited from but not limited to the areas listed below:
Physical Sciences
Biological Science
Earth Sciences
Sustainable Energy
Computing & Information Systems
Arts & Culture
Criminology and Sociology
Political Science & History
Languages & Linguistics
Religious Studies Medical Sciences
Peace & Conflict Studies
Health Care & Health Sciences
Nursing Business
Social Sciences
Architecture & Design
Environmental Sciences
Animal Science
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Editorial & Peer Review Process
All papers submitted to the AIMS Research Journal will undergo a peer review process. An initial prima facie editorial review is carried out on receipt of a manuscript to ascertain its conformity in scope, depth and content to the quality of the AIMS Research Journal. Manuscripts that do not meet the minimum requirements for consideration in the AIMS Research journal are returned to the authors. Manuscripts that are acceptable at this stage are sent for peer review. The recommendation of the peer review process determines the acceptability of manuscript. Please Note that even after a positive peer review process, a manuscript can be rejected if during post review processing it is found to violate copyrights.
Copyright Issues
Published works must be original and all works cited or used in the body of the write-up acknowledged. Where applicable, the use of human elements or live elements for research must be acknowledged and proper permission/approval sought on same. AIMS Research Journal will not be liable for any infringement on individuals, groups, organizations or collective rights violated by any author whose article appear in the AIMS Research Journal. Plagiarism should be avoided in all its forms. All works quoted, cited and consulted should be properly referenced and sources of images, diagrams, tables, charts, data etc acknowledged. In addition, self plagiarism is not allowed. Simultaneous submission of the same article, manuscript or paper to different journals is also not acceptable. It is the responsibility of the lead author to ensure that all authors listed on a manuscript contributed to the development of the manuscript as well as participate in the research work. Where applicable, students and other individuals who also contributed to the development of the research and manuscript must be acknowledged.
All forms of unethical practices will not be tolerated by the AIMS Research Journal. Such activities will be met by appropriate sanctions as determined from time to time by the Editorial/Editorial Advisory Board of the AIMS Research Journal. Sanctions include but are not limited to the following:
Rejection of submitted manuscript
Suspension of such authors from submitting new manuscript to the Journal for a minimum of 12 months
In cases of repeated infringements, a formal written documentation of same may be sent to the authors employer
A disclaimer can also be initiated for such authors.